eXcellent Magazine

Colombia: Magic Realism

Colombia: Magic Realism

If you were to describe Colombia in one word, for certain, it would be a “variety”. It is a country with an incredible mix of cultures, traditions, nature and geography – a mix to perfection that can be found only here.
Archaeological parks of San Agustin, Tierradentro, and the Lost City, colonial towns of Cartagena, Villa de Leyva, Mompox, and Popayan, indigenous Amazonian villages, and a vast mountain range of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta – these are just some of fascinating cultural sites offered by Colombia.
“Colombia: Magic Realism” is a perfect expression to describe feelings aroused by this world allowing you to try something unique, magic, and supernatural in a country yet to be discovered.
Santa Fe de Bogota, the capital of Columbia, is the first place to visit upon arriving in the country. Today’s political, administrative, economic, and cultural center of the country, Santa Fe de Bogota became the capital of Colombia in 1830. Nowadays it is a constantly growing cosmopolitan city.
However, a trip to the discovery of Colombia cannot but embrace the city of Cartagena, better known as the Pearl of the Caribbean. It is a beautiful fishing village on the Caribbean coast whose El Laguito and Bocagrande beaches are the most-visited tourist destinations. With large hotels, restaurants, bars and shops, Cartagena beaches are full of entertainment and fun and give the opportunity to practice all kinds of water sports.
We finish our trip with the magical southern San Andrés archipelago. Turquoise waters, long coral reefs, and rich marine life make this area a favorite spot for snorkeling and diving.
Viaggiamondo – Travel Agency in Cattolica
Via Garibaldi, 45
info@viaggia-mondo.it – Tel 0541953286