eXcellent Magazine

Top 5 luxury mineral water

Top 5 luxury mineral water.

For someone who does not drink wine, God also denies the water! An ancient proverb says: if water costs more than wine, it’s almost a crime not to drink it. Yes, because life – it’s not just the champagne, you can also venture on a simple crystal. To quench thirst is important for everyone, but when you can do it in a stylish way, is even better. Therefore we can not say that you have lived full life, without having to try at least one of the five best waters in the world.
Why deny yourself the pleasure to sip, for example, Acqua di Cristallo Tributo a Modigliani, which contains a mixture of French waters, waters of the Fiji Islands and Iceland’s glaciers? The bottle is incredibly worthful because it was created by Ferdinando Altamirano, with the help of a sketch of Modigliani: divided by the crystal / gold, blue crystal, crystal / silver and crystal. Bottle of 75 centiliters reaches the price of 53 470 euros; but think about there might be inside 5 g of gold powder at 23 carats. Is the price worth expenses?
But if you want to try something else, Supernariwa – it is for you. One liter costs only (so to say) 9000 euros. This water comes from a Japanese source, formed millions of years ago and today is still considered one of the types of elixir of life.
In third place is in our top five Kona Nigari from desalinated Hawaii depths. Just think, one bottle of 750 ml. costs 356 euros.
And then goes Fillico, – Japanese water that is used for the best sake, the bottle of750 ml (realized with gold and chess pieces) costs 195 euros.
Fifth, but not according to its importance – American which is originated from Tennessee Bling H2O sources. Bottle of 75 centiliters (all encrusted with swarovski crystals) is sold for 36 euros.
We can say, therefore, that the class is not water, but in this case, water has a class and this is class ..!